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PROGRAMS 2024                 



Sessions for pre-school and kindergarten are offered weekly on during the Victorian school terms. 

Children can enrol in partly State Government funded and non-funded program sessions.


From 2023, the State Government fully funds 15 hours per week of 3yo and 4yo kinder.



Yackandandah Kindergarten offers two preschool programs, and our centre is licensed for a maximum of 30 children per session. 



Non-Funded 4yo School Readiness Program

 Wednesday School Readiness  8.15am - 3.45pm



Non-Funded 3yo & 4yo Bush Kinder Program

 Mondays & Tuesdays 7.5 hour day: 8.15am - 3.45pm



3yo Fully State Government Funded Program

This program is offered over 15 hours per week -on

*  Mon & Wed: 7.5 hour days  |  8.15am - 3.45pm & 

    8.30am - 4.00pm



4 Year Old Fully State Government Funded Program

Our 4 Year Old Program for children who typically begin primary school the following year, these children are aged 4 and 5. This program is 15 hours/two days per child per week and is offered on either a

 - Tuesday/Thursday from 8.15am to 3.45pm or

 - Tuesday/ Thursday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. 





3yo Group 1.jpg




The central focus of our educational programs is on outcomes for students. Our programs are based on an approved learning framework which considers the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child, and takes into account the individual differences of each child. 


Our kindergarten operates in accordance with the National Quality Standards (NQS) under the Education & Care Services National Law and Regulations. In September 2012 the service was assessed under the National Quality Standards (NQS) as a children’s service meeting all quality standards. The seven Quality Areas under the NQS are: 


1. Educational program & practice 

2. Children’s health & safety 

3. Physical environment

4. Staffing arrangements

5. Relationships with children 

6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities 

7. Leadership and service management


The Standard ensures that our service adopts approaches that are most appropriate to and focus on the best outcomes for the children being educated at Yackandandah Kindergarten.



© 2025 by Yackandandah Kindergarten





Nurturing our Future

Since 1975

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